
AnemancipatedslavefromAmericawhobecomestheblacksmithofJungleVillage.Hechannelsanancientenergytoturnhimselfintoalivingweapon....Hisname ...,Onthehuntforafabledtreasureofgold,abandofwarriors,assassins,andarogueBritishsoldierdescenduponavillageinfeudalChina,whereahumble ...,2017年7月3日—攝影師,美術指導,服裝設計都是香港人,加上元奎任動作指導,令這部「外國人拍的港產片」竟然有板有眼,似模似樣。,《...

The Man with the Iron Fists

An emancipated slave from America who becomes the blacksmith of Jungle Village. He channels an ancient energy to turn himself into a living weapon. ... His name ...

The Man with the Iron Fists (2012)

On the hunt for a fabled treasure of gold, a band of warriors, assassins, and a rogue British soldier descend upon a village in feudal China, where a humble ...

《The Man with the Iron Fists》:誠意可嘉

2017年7月3日 — 攝影師,美術指導,服裝設計都是香港人,加上元奎任動作指導,令這部「外國人拍的港產片」竟然有板有眼,似模似樣。


《鐵拳無敵》(英語:The Man with the Iron Fists)是美國驚悚片、動作片,導演RZA,主演羅素·克洛、鄭智麟、劉玉玲、帕姆·格里爾、戴夫·巴蒂斯塔、吳彥祖。

鐵拳無敵2 The Man with the Iron Fists 2


鐵拳男子the Man with the Iron Fists

鐵拳男子the Man with the Iron Fists ... 昆丁塔倫提諾呈獻這部靈感取自於晶點功夫片的動作冒險片《鐵拳男子》,本片由他長年的搭檔RZA和艾利.羅斯共同打造。RZA首次擔任大 ...